Cereal Lovers: Not another paper card that would have been lost like many others before.

Luxembourg based brand offering eco-friendly, organic-labeled and sustainable products.

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Grubers: Leverage feedbacks and push notifications to increase loyalty

Grubers is a simple and innovative dining experience based on a good burger, fresh & tasty toppings and crispy fries.

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Honoloa looks towards their future with hope thanks to their clients' support

Created in 2018 by a group of 3 friends, Honola offers delicious and fresh recipies all the way from Hawaii to Wow us in Luxembourg!

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BabyShep : How can your e-commerce website leverage loyalty and marketing tools?

Handmade clothing and accessories for Children Based in Cambridgeshire. Made by amazing young ladies who slect the perfect fabric foru your little ones!

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Les Ruches qui dit oui ! de la Sarine: Use a Digital Loyalty Solution to stay eco-friendly and grow your business

Each week, you can find here food from quality farms around the area. Vegetables, fruit, meat, eggs, dairy products, bread, honey and jam, you can find everything you'll ever want, produced locally for your pleasure.

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Rawdish built a sustainable approach to a loyalty program using Yollty

Rawdish is a healthy and quick food option established in Luxembourg since 2015. They offer their clients the cleanest of foods with the highest quality of products, a guarantee of no nasty pesticides, preservatives, chemicals, and pasteurizers.

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